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Get Fit With Pooh is your ultimate resource for gaining weight and growing your glutes. Come sign up today and receive a free product!
If you're ready to take your weight gain journey seriously and enhance your glutes, you've come to the right place. I'm here to support you every step of the way, no matter how long it takes—let's get started today and achieve the look you've always wanted!
Hi, I’m Poohda
Personal Coach
As your personal weight gain coach, I'm here to guide you through every step of your journey, whether you're looking to build muscle, gain healthy weight, or improve your overall fitness. I’ll provide you with customized workout plans, meal strategies, and advice on the best protein drinks and supplements to fuel your body. With the right equipment and a tailored approach, I’ll help you stay consistent and motivated to reach your goals in a healthy and sustainable way.
Our Classes
1 hr
Duration Varies
Duration Varies
My Story
I’ve been naturally skinny my whole life, and for years, I struggled to gain weight no matter how much I ate. In 2022, I decided to take control of my body and started my weight gain journey. I began focusing on a balanced diet, strength training, and consistency to build muscle and add healthy weight. It wasn’t always easy, but it taught me the importance of patience, dedication, and finding a routine that worked for me. Now, I’m passionate about helping others who are on a similar journey to gain weight in a healthy, sustainable way.
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